Using geographical dataset with area and altitude data are possible satellite photograph three dimensional are represented. For this you can complete well the output of GeoSatSignal and Groundmap use in Mercator projection. 3DEM you lay image, after task of a number ordinateordinate ordinates, exactly concerning the geographical dataset and after establish of a number parameters can represent you alpen as real mounts. You can twist this picture and roll over to own believen and you can the belichting to own wishes to establish. The altitude of the mounts can force you possibly extra for these improves expression reach to let. Beside earthly satellite photograph are possible the planet also images of top three dimensional geplot and can get you a fraai picture of olympus Mons or for example Valles Marineris. You can make here too cos-ordination of 360° look around to a heuse rondvlucht with positions in advance given up.
Author: Richard Horne Homepage: Windows 95 Freeware
A simple program for synop decoding
Author: P. Groenemeier Dos Freeware
Digital Atmosphere is powerful weather forecasting software that allows you to create detailed maps of real-time weather for anywhere in the world. It makes extensive use of techniques and algorithms that are comparable and in some cases superior to the National Weather Service's multimillion-dollar Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System. It can run on any 486 or Pentium system, and does not require any type of subscription or recurring costs, using free data from the Internet
Author: T. Vasquez Homepage USA: Homepage Germany: Windows Shareware, USA, upgrade $ 45,00, new $ 68,00. Germany, upgrade 45,00 €, new 75,00 €. Note: Prizes for online downloads. CD-Rom ask
Make your own METAR report
Author: T. Vasquez Homepage Windows Freeware
GeoSatSignal is a development of the SatSignal program, designed to process geostationary satellite data. Because the data is a sequence of images from the same well-defined location, more exciting processing can be done, and GeoSatSignal allows you to combine data in a number of ways
Author: David Taylor Homepage: Windows Shareware, 50 €.
GroundMap is a tool to make your weather satellite images fit standard map projections - a process sometimes called rectification or geolocation - making it easy to join several NOAA satellite passes into one composite image covering a much wider area, or to combine your satellite images with other weather data. You can use data from either APT or HRPT satellites. You need ground-location data produced either by WXtrack program for APT images, or by the HRPT Reader for HRPT data from the same author.
Author: David Taylor Homepage: Windows Shareware, GPB 45
Home Planet is a Microsoft Windows 3.1, 95, and NT application which puts a somewhat different spin on the usual astronomical or planetarium program. Home Planet places the Earth in its place in the universe, allowing one to look up toward the stars or down upon the Earth from a variety of perspectives.
Author: John Walker Homepage Windows Freeware
This program reads HRPT files in the NOAA Level 1B, TimeStep, SSB/Orbit, L1F and NOAA95 formats, amongst others. From the SAA (Satellite Active Archive) it can read LAC, GAC and HRPT data formats. The program will allow you to play with making false colour images by combining the five or more available channels into red, green, and blue or, if you prefer, by taking one of the visible channels as brightness and one of the IR channels as colour. When enough channels are available, you can extract water vapour and vegetation data. You can save what you create, and you can also save an APT-size image which may be useful as a thumbnail when compressed to JPEG
Author: David Taylor Homepage Windows Shareware, GBP 40
A powerful, multi-functional sounding analysis program that can read numerous types of rawinsonde/radiosonde data; create a variety of sounding diagrams; 3-D hodograms; time & distance based vertical cross-sections; and display over 100 atmospheric parameters including icing, clouds, turbulence, wind shear, and a severe weather analysis table.
Author: J.D. Shewchuk Homepage Dos/Windows demo and raobfcst.exe are freeware, registration $ 50,00 (extra modules $ 25,00)
Will decode and display lightning location data downloaded from the net. Features: three different map projections, copy/save/print display, animate through hourly data, download data from within the application. New in version 2.0: save settings between sessions, can now download and display satellite imagery alongside the lightning location view. SFUKView now requires that the file COMCTL32.DLL isversion 4.7 or later. You will find data (every 2Hr updated): search for yymmdd_sfuk[30/31].wmo files.
Author: Ian Watkins Homepage: Windows Freeware
Download SFUKview (1,5 Mb)
WXSIM software for modeling, forecasting, or simply studying weather. You initialize it with current data, some optionally downloaded from various on-line sources, and then "turn it loose" to model the weather for the next few days, but with the option to interact with the program and mix in some of your own forecasting skill and knowledge
Author: T. Ehrensperger Homepage : Windows $ 59,95