Station Schedules
= Updated Sep-30-2005
For Mariners, the new "Marine Product Dissemination Information" web page is now up on the net.Tim Rulon NOAA did a great job, the site has a lot of good information’s for mariners.
A latest version of the "Worldwide Marine Radiofacsimile Facsimile Schedules" dated June 14, 2005 This publication incorporates changes to several of our stations which go into effect June 15, 2005 The latest version of the Worldwide Marine Radiofacsimile Broadcast Schedules is now available ( June 15, 2004 in PDF format at: A great thanks to Tim Rulon, NOAA Jun-15-2005
All HF radiofacsimile, HF voice and NAVTEX weather broadcasts from United States Coast Guard station NMG in New Orleans, LA have been restored.
As a permanant change, the Boston radiofacsimile broadcast has been expanded to include Hurricane Danger/High Wind Warning Charts transmitted at 0452, 1028, 1824 and 2228 UTC. See the complete schedule at
A new radiofax broadcast schedule (see below) for New Orleans which will include new 24, 48 and 72 hour surface forecasts for the Tropical Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico is planned to begin on or about May 29, 2002 at 1800z . The broadcast time of the on-air broadcast schedule will shift from 1315z to 2025z.. In addition, 24, 48 and 72 hour surface forecasts for the Eastern Tropical Pacific (and Gulf of Mexico) will be made available via the Internet and e-mail (but not broadcast) Change In New Orleans Radiofacsimile Broadcast Frequencies - To provide greater coverage, beginning July 1, 2003 the broadcast of radiofacsimile from U.S. Coast Guard New Orleans station NMG, will be changed from broadcasting on center frequencies of 4317.9, 8503.9 and 12789.9 kHz at 0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 UTC, to broadcasting at 4317.9, 8503.9 and 12789.9 kHz at 0000 and 0600 UTC, and 8503.9, 12789.9 and 16961.1 kHz at 1200 and 1800 UTC. Subtract 1.9 kHz for carrier frequencies. Please send any reception reports and user comments to
CCG Charlottown (in general) has ceased, but MCTS Sydney (/VCO) is new with FAX broadcasts on the former CCG Charlottetown frequencies. Source: Dave Wright via Day Watson
Sydney (VCO) Fax schedule: 1121 UTC 4416 kHz Ice analysis - Gulf of St Lawrence 1142 UTC 4416 kHz Ice Analysis East or SouthEast Newfoundlandwaters 1741 UTC 4416 kHz Ice analysis - Iceberg limit 2200 UTC 6915 kHz Ice analysis - Gulf of St. Lawrence 2331 UTC 6915 kHz Ice analysis East or SouthEast Newfoundlandwaters Or go direct for the latest schedule to
Tokyo Meteo (JMH) effective Jun 2005 Jul-03-2005 Or go direct for the latest schedule to or
Northwood (GFY) schedule, effective Jan 2005 . Feb-24-2005 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
USCG Kodiak, Alsaka effective June 15. 2005 Apr-17-2005 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
USCG Pt. Reyes (NMC) effective June 15. 2005 Apr.-17-2005 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
Honolulu Meteo (KVM) effective June 15. 2005 Apr.-17.-2005 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
USCG New Orleans (NMG) effective Febl-01-2004 Jun-20-2004 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
USCG Boston (NMF) effective 28 Nov. 2000 Nov-26-2000 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
Dehli Meteo schedule Dec-14-2003 Indian Notice to Mariners
Nairobi Meteo (5YE) effective Jun-01-2003 Dez-07-2003 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
Cape Naval (ZSJ) South Africa effective Jun 2003 Jun-22- 2000 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
Rome Meteo (IMB) schedule (Italy language), effective summer 2002 Dec-08-2002 Or go direct for the latst schedule to
Valparaiso Radio, Chile Oct-13-2002
Taipei Meteo (BMF) schedule effective Apr. 2002. Feb-21-1999Aug-25-2002 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
VMC & VMW, Australia Radiofacsimile Schedule, effective 2004 Jun-20-2004 Or go direct for the latest schedules to
Northwood special (GYA) Special schedule for operatians relating to Afghanistan. Feb-10-2002
Inuvik Canada effective Nov. 2003 Jan-13-2003 Or go dirct for the latest schedule to
CCG Iqaluit/CCG Resolute effective Nov. 2001 Jan-13-2002 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
CFH Halifax effective Dec. 2000 Jan-07-2001 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
Sydney Nova Scotia VCO
Canadian Coast Guard Ice Breakers, Radio Facsimile Broadcasts effective 2003 Jun-20-2004 Or go direct for the latst schedule to
Auckland Meteo (ZKLF) effective May 2002 Mar-2003 Or go direct for the latest schedule to ZKLF Radio Facsimile Schedule as a PDF file from MetService Or go to
Casey Meteo effective 2004 Jun. 2004
Cape Naval (ZSJ) South Africa effective Feb 2000 Mar-11- 2000
Hamburg Meteo has a minor change in the schedule.. You can download the schedule from the DWD server in Germany. Click here for the German schedule, or here for the English scheduleeffective Jun - Oct. 2004 Jun.-2004
Rio de Janeiro effective Jun. 2004 Jun.-20-2004 0745 0750 0810 0830 0850 and 1630 1635 1655 1715 1735. on 12666.9, 16979.9 kHz and 8581.9 kHz. Or go direct to
Valpareiso effective 2003
Tokyo Radio (JJC press)
Rome Meteo effective 2003
Seoul Meteo (HLL) schedule effective Feb. 1999. Feb-21-1999
Copenhagen Meteo (OXT) Nov-08-1998 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
Uploaded the new winter schedule from Casey Meteo Mar-05-1998 Or go direct for the latest schedule to
Tashkent Meteo Aug-08-1997
Moscow Meteo 1 Nov-1996
Cairo Meteo Oct-1996
Dakar Meteo Oct-1996
Murmansk Meteo Oct-1996
Moscow Meteo 3 Oct-1996
Centro Meteorologico Vcom. Marambio , South Shetland Islands Oct-1996 No Facsimile Broadcast Ceased !
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