Change In New Orleans Radiofacsimile Broadcast Frequencies - To provide greater coverage, beginning July 1, 2003 the broadcast of radiofacsimile from U.S. Coast Guard New Orleans station NMG, will be changed from broadcasting on center frequencies of 4317.9, 8503.9 and 12789.9 kHz at 0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 UTC, to broadcasting at 4317.9, 8503.9 and 12789.9 kHz at 0000 and 0600 UTC, and 8503.9, 12789.9 and 16961.1 kHz at 1200 and 1800 UTC. Subtract 1.9 kHz for carrier frequencies. Please send any reception reports and user comments to
Add a new Radio Fax Schedule for New Orleans seeSchedules
Add a link to new weather Software, called Metassi (German language and free) and MetOS ($ 20 in English) both a software for creating a wide range of weather plots (also with Data from the Internet) Add a new version of Zorns Lemma ZL 10.0, see the Zorns Lemma Page, or Software Page. This Software can decoded SYNOP and also Fax and RTTY Hugo Matten, from Belgium found a UNID Fax station on 6210 KHz at 0722-0930 WXTOIMG the best APT software Decoding package for Sound Cards is now available as v2.4.12. This version includes GPS NMEA for the exact coorrdinates for your location and will also set your PC clock. This version has also a automaticly FTP Upload to your Home Page and some new Enchangements.
I use this Software 24h a day to uploaded tha last 12 images from the NOAA satellites, see My Shack and follow NOAA Cam. Note some features are only in the registered Standard version. James Kilgallen ( found a fax unid on 2.4775.40 KHz, I could not receive the signal here in Europe.It seem the fax signal came from the Caribic area
.Put two links in the Software section. One link is for Digital SSTV DIGTRX found on the website from PY4BZ in English, the other one is for a free Spectral Analysis package from DLY4HF also in English
Add software for Digital SSTV (digsstv ). This software package transmit and receive in exellent (digital) quality pictures over the all sstv bands. Recommend Hardware Pentium 3 or 4. Download and dig 15 and save them in the same directory. Than unpack these files, and run the application. Add inSoftware HAM DSP, and inSSTV a new Repeater from France Updated Kepler Editor uploaded see theKepler EditorThanks to Robert Boeckmann who send me the file. Add someMP3 files from digatal test transmissions on shortwave and longwave (stereo) Add some pictures received with Digtal SSTV (digsstv). See Weekkly Pictures Add a new radio fax schedule for Rome Meteo (IMB)
The Antartic Meteorological Center Vcom. Marambio, does not broadcast any meteorological information via Radio Facsimile (ceased) Source Tim Rulon NOAA via Alicia Cejas Member GMDSS Argentina)
A UNID station from a Naval station, Argentina sends daily WX Maps / Satellite rebroadcasts on 4.441.9 and 7.399.9 KHz at 12:45 - 13:45 and 21:45 - 22:45 UTC
Add a new APT Receiver info with antenna Diversity the R2FX from DF2FQ
Add new Morse Decoder MRP on the Software Page
Add a new schedule from Northwood (GYA). Click here
N0ONG WX Sat Kepler Editor is designed to work only with AMSAT (verbose) format elements. Import the kepler file from AMSAT using the Open button. Everything other than the weather satellite elemnts will be removed automatically. Now you can remove specific satellites by pushing the appropriate button. Pressing the Save button will save the edited elements as kepler.dat. The program was written by Robert Boeckmann and runs on Macintosh OS X and OS9 and is freeware
New release of MSCAN SSTV v3.20 and new interfaces for Mscan Meteo Pro. See the Software Page
Pictoaud is different to many other Slow Scan TV (SSTV). For download go the Software Page DIGITAL radio mondiale (DRM) A Worldwide initiative to bring AM radio into the digital era. The DRM. Consortium will unveil a production-ready world-band consumer receiver, made by Coding Technologies together with the BBC and German device manufacturer AFG, and a preview version of its first publicly-available receiver, the DRM Software Radio made by Fraunhofer IIS-A. At the same time, DRM will open the doors to radio enthusiasts who want to be the first non-members to access its transmissions when the DRM Software Radio Project, managed by VT Merlin Communications, begins this December. Qualified radio amateurs and DXers who plan to purchase the software (price: 60 Euro) Wxtoimg now also available for Macintosch. For download go to the wxtoimg page
Add the new revisedradiofax schedule fromValparaiso Radio (CBV)
DARC Hell-Contest 5.10.02 14:00 - 16:00 UTC 80m (3575 + 3559 KHz) 6.10.02 09:00 - 11:00 UTC 40m (7030 - 7040 KHz 10.10.02 18:00 - 20:00 UTC 2m/70cm
Here is a snapshot from the Hell Contest on Oct 06 on 40m:

METSAT, the first dedicated Indian geostationary weather satellite was successfully launched. More info at A new radiofax broadcast schedule for Kodiak is planned to begin October 01, 2002 at 2200z. The new schedule includes several new forecast charts, 500mb charts, and satellite images.Click here Add online Surface analysis / prognosis from the Fleet and Oceanographic Center Northwood, England, see here:
Congratulations to Arianespace with there Ariane 5 Rocketlauncher and a succesfull launch of MSG-1 After the successful launch of MSG-1 and its injection in tranfer orbit by Arianespace, the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) will control MSG-1, and through several motor firings will place it into geosynchronous orbit and control it until handover to EUMETSAT in late September, at which time commissioning will begin. The following activities will need to be completed during the commissioning phase:
- to determine the functionality and performance of the MSG System (including satellite) after launch
- to verify the MSG-1 satellite requirements
- to verify the MSG-1 system requirements
- to determine the calibration factors and operating parameters
- to tune algorithms for image and meteorological product processing
- to validate the end user requirements
- to prepare the system for routine operations
- 25 September 2002 - official handover from ESOC to EUMETSAT
- 25 September 2002 - start of commissioning phase A (Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB), IQGSE Imaging, and Image, Calibration & Product Dry-runs)
- Second half of October 2002 - first image taking
- End 2002 - dissemination of level 1.5 images based on IQGSE (rectified images)
- End March 2003 - end of commissioning phase A
- April 2003 - start of commissioning phase B (Core Imaging Tests and Image, Calibration & Product Validation Tests)
- September 2003 - end of commissioning phase B, start of routine operations
MSG Receiving Equipment Suppliers (HRUS/LRUS) Alcatel Space Industries, France INTA, France Meteo France International, France UKW-Technik Electronic GmbH, Germany VCS Nachrichtentechnik GmbH, Germany CCE snc, Italy Fontana Roberto Sistemi computerizzati per la meteorologia, Italy Kongsberg Spacetec AS, Norway INDRA Espacio, S.A., Spain TECNAVIA S.A. Electronic Laboratories & Engineering, Switzerland Bradford University Remote Sensing Ltd., United Kingdom Dartcom Systems, United Kingdom Thorn Satcom Data Services, United Kingdom Timestep Weather Systems, United Kingdom Quorum Communications Inc., U.S.A. SeaSpace Corporation, U.S.A. Add the latest fax schedule from Taipei Meteo (BMF)
Due to a virus (PE_CIH.1003) in my computernetwork I have lost all data, such as mails, HF-Fax homepages etc. I have install now all Pc´s in the network completely new, and build the the HF-Fax site new on the local computer again. This is the first update since July, and I will update the pages from now regulary. NOAA 17 sends visible images (sensor 1 & 2), only during the test phase. The vegetative pictures shows green land, dark blue water and rivers and white clouds. See Weekly pictures for some examples
A new radiofax broadcast schedule for Kodiak now available. Two 24hr surface charts at 1025z and 2225z be added, replacing the 48/36hr forecast charts in those slots. The schedule will likely be further revised at least once before the end of the calander year.Source: Tim Rulon U.S. National Weather Service
A new version of "Worldwide Radiofacsimile Facsimile Schedules" found at: availble (July 2, 02)
MeteoFax32 is now available in english. You can find information on the latest version of this software at the address: Source: Thierry ARAGON
Changes to Australian Marine HF Radio Broadcasts. Australian radiofax services will be broadcast from its new HF radio network commencing 0000 UTC 1 Juli 2002. The network comprises transmitters at Charlville in Queensland (VMC) and Wiluna in Western Australia (VMW). Test frequencies are: 5.755 KHz ; 10.555 KHz and 18.060 KHz. Download a Chart received on the Testfrequency 18.060 KHz, seeWeekly Picture
MISSION: NOAA-M Polar Orbiter LAUNCH VEHICLE: USAF Titan II LAUNCH PAD: Space Launch Complex 4 West, Vandenberg Air Force Base LAUNCH DATE: June 24, 2002 LAUNCH WINDOW: 11:22 - 11:32 a.m. PDT
At SLC-4W, the Titan II/G-14 prelaunch preparations continue to progress on schedule. This week the Combined Systems Engine Leak Checks are in work on the first stage and gas generator servicing and verification testing is under way on the second stage. The technical concern with the vehicle's Inertial Measurement Unit has been resolved and work on the vehicle will continue as planned.
The NOAA-M spacecraft arrived at VAFB on April 25 and is at NASA Spacecraft Hangar 1610 on North Vandenberg. The spacecraft's apogee kick motor was installed on April 30. The Spacecraft Electrical Performance and Evaluation Test (SEPET) successfully completed on Wednesday, May 8. Spacecraft processing will be completed this Friday, May 17 and the satellite will be installed into its payload canister on Monday in preparation for being moved to Space Launch Complex 4 West. The spacecraft will be erected top the Titan II on May 30.
The fairing for NOAA-M arrived on May 9 to begin processing at an Air Force facility also located on North Vandenberg.
The Center Director Launch Vehicle Launch Readiness Review is being held today with KSC Center Director Roy Bridges.
A new radiofax broadcast schedule for New Orleans which will include new 24, 48 and 72 hour surface forecasts for the Tropical Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico is planned to begin on or about May 29, 2002 at 1800z. The broadcast time of the on-air broadcast schedule will shift from 1315z to 2025z.. In addition, 24, 48 and 72 hour surface forecasts for the Eastern Tropical Pacific (and Gulf of Mexico) will be made available via the Internet and e-mail (but not broadcast)
Two utilitys for WXSat:
David R. Landon, Jrcreated aprogramthat acts like a hot folder which monitors a user selected directory for images, converts them, saves them to another user selected directory, and then deletes the original file to conserve space. For example, he use it to monitor his "bmp" folder under WXSat and convert the "*.bmp" files to "*.jpg" files and save them in another folder under WXSat called "jpg". After the conversion, it deletes the "*.bmp" file to conserve space. he offering this program free to everyone, thanks David !! With QuickMix you can store and recall different sets of audio mixer settings for WXSat quickly and easily
A new version of our "WORLDWIDE MARINE RADIOFACSIMILE BROADCAST SCHEDULES" dated April 03, 2002 may be found at: From February 23th until March 2th, 2002 DM5TI was on a DX Expedition to the Eastern Isl. (Rapa Nui) CE0Y with the call CE0Y/DM5TY and was on the air also in the mode SSTV Download some pictures received here at my location Hannover, Germany from this CE0Y/DM5TY expedition
CG Charlottown (in general) had ceased the fax transmissions, but MCTS Sydney (/VCO) is new with FAX broadcasts on the former CCG Charlottetown frequencies. Source: Dave Wright via Day Watson
Sydney (VCO) Fax schedule: 1121 UTC 4416 kHz Ice analysis - Gulf of St Lawrence 1142 UTC 4416 kHz Ice Analysis East or SouthEast Newfoundland waters 1741 UTC 4416 kHz Ice analysis - Iceberg limit 2200 UTC 6915 kHz Ice analysis - Gulf of St. Lawrence 2331 UTC 6915 kHz Ice analysis East or SouthEast Newfoundland waters
Klaus Betke found on 7670.2 KHz RCQ72: Yakutsk Meteo 0725 UTC FAX 60/576 surface analysis
RN Northwood (GYA) discovered aspecial FAX servicethat appears to be beamed out towards the N Arabian Sea in support of the current operations relating to Afghanistan. Frequencies: 6834 kHz (1800-0800) and 18261 kHz ( 0800-1800) See also Weekly Pictures . Source: WUN, Klaus Betke and Brian Clarke via Day Watson.
CGR Charlottetown CAN logged at two new transmission times at 22:00 and 23:40 UTC on 4616 and 6915.1 KHz, Source: Day Watson
Add a new free RTTY / NAVTEX decoder fromGerard Hageman (Netherlands) to the Software Page
Uploaded a new version ofWXDecodev2.20
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has announced new weatherfax broadcast arrangements with effect from 1 July 2002. From 1 July 2002 the Bureau of Meteorology will be broadcasting its marine weather radio services for the high seas and Australian coastal areas from a new network of HF radio transmitters The new network comprises transmitters at Charleville in Queensland and Wiluna in Western Australia. The new call signs are VMCAustralia Weather East (for services from Charleville) and VMWAustralia Weather West (for services from Wiluna). Both VMC and VMW have been programmed to simultaneously broadcast Voice and Radio Fax services 24 hours a day.
Note: The Royal Australian Navy will cease broadcasting Radio Fax services AXM and AXI on 1 July 2002 Broadcast Schedule: The Bureau’s radio fax program will not change following the change of transmission arrangements from AXM/AXI to VMC/VMW
VMC broadcasts on frequencies |
2628* |
5100 |
11030 |
13920 |
20469** |
* operates between 1100 and 2100 UTC( i.e. night hours) |
** operates between 2100 and 1100 UTC (i.e. day hours) |
VMW broadcasts on frequencies |
5755* |
7535 |
10555 |
15615 |
18060** |
* operates between 1100 and 2100 UTC (i.e. night hours) |
** operates between 2100 and 1100 UTC (i.e. day hours) |
Uploaded revised schedules from Inuvik, Iqaluit and Resolute, all Canada
Add a new Linux APT Software link to the Software section
.New revised Jan. 2002 HF-Fax Listings
SOS..... I receive every day between 20 and 30 infected e-mails with the Virus WORM_ALIZ.A and also the Badtrans.BThe infected e-mails are send from infected computers who have my e-mail address in their addressbook (most outlook express). The BadTrans.B virus is a worm and trojan, the trojan sends out the information (user´s info, RAS data, cached passwords, keyboard log) from infected computers to specified email address. It also keeps a “keylogger” program body in its code and installs it into the system while infecting a new machine.
A new version of wxtoimg v2.2.8 (fromCraig Anderson Abstract Technologies New Zealand Limited) a weather satellite decoding software is now available from: wxtoimg 2.2.8 provides a few major enhancements, new features and bug fixes over version 2.1.0: overlay maps with adjustable colors and feature sets (rivers, lakes, cities, country borders, lat/lon, ground station location), pass based recording (record only the good portion of high elevation passes from selected satellites),
magnify (zoom) image (200%, 300%, 400%, or 500%),
post processing histogram equalisation,
new option to crop telemetry lines/bars from image,
more gamma, sharpen, and despeckle options,
automated recording and decoding for generating animations and sets of images,
easier recording volume control setting, and fixes for several bugs, minor problems, and partial decode. Every time the ISS spacestation is flying over Europe you can here some conversations from the Russian Cosmonauts to Russia.
Here is a conversation on 143.625 MHz from Sunday 09 December 2001:
ISS on 143.625 MHz
Other frequencies such as packet on 145.800 MHz are listed below
On December 04, 2001 at 1800z a change to the New Orleans radiofax broadcast schedule is planned. This revised schedule restores the U.S. surface analysis, adds more products to the popular 0z and 12z broadcast periods and adds a test message to aid users in tuning their receivers
A new version of "Worldwide Radiofacsimile Facsimile Schedules" dated October 12, 2001 may be found at:
The U.S. Air Force now terminated all their HF radiofax broadcasts.
A new version of Mscan Meteo has been released. Besides various small bug fixes and improvements, the following changes have been made:
1. Mscan Meteo automatically shuts down when Windows shuts down.
2. Automatic computation of the centre frequency for NAVTEX and RTTY signals has been changed. For some receivers the old method caused problems with strong signals, resulting in 100% failure in decoding.
3. Automatic programming of audio mixers in Sony VAIO notebooks now supported.
4. NAVTEX and RTTY messages now saved as txt file.
5. RTTY data type designators added.
6. FX data type designator changed to FE.
7. Program no longer slows down when NAVTEX or RTTY text buffers grow large.
8. The range of the Spectrum is enlarged to 1000-2800 Hz to further simplify tuning.
9. Upon request, Mscan Meteo is now also available for Fastnet receivers (LSB, different centre frequency).
METSAT APT STATUS REPORTSeptember 15-2001from Peter Wakelin
NOAA 12OFF 137.50 MHz NOAA 14ON 137.62 MHzOperating satisfactorily in the early afternoon northboundorbit (but has no backup to the onboard processor) also HRPT on 1707.0 MHz NOAA 15ON 137.50 MHz *See Below NOAA 16OFF* 137.62 *See below . HRPT is operating on 1707.0 MHz NOAA M (17)* May 2001 Launch delayed METEOR 2-21ON* 137.40 MHz *Resumed imaging in June & July after a long period of silence, but image quality is variable. METEOR 3-5ON 137.30 MHz Completed 9 years in orbit on 15th August 2000 and still producing reasonable quality images. OKEAN 4 (1-7) OFF 137.40 MHz Not heard for several months OKEAN 0ON* 137.40 MHz Images only in visible part of spectrum available in Europe on most days SICH 1OFF* 137.40 MHz Transmits occasional visible-only images RESURS 0 (1-4) ON 137.85 MHz Sun-synchronous orbit's ground track is illuminated by a high sun during the northern summer and good visible imagery is available
FY-1C * Continues to provide 10-channel high-resolution imagery (No APT) on 1700.5 MHz
* Denotes change since last report
Okean and Sich transmit infrequently and normally only when within range of Russian/Ukrainian ground stations
NOAA12APT on 137.50MHz will be switched off at apprx 0700 UTC on 7th August 2001 as it will be in close proximity to NOAA15, the primary satellite and cause possible interference. NOAA12 will return to operational status when no longer in conflict.
NOAA14is not healthy but is providing early afternoon coverage until its replacement becomes operational. .
NOAA 15Is re-synchronised at 7.30hrs UTC daily. Producing good Southbound passes although it will probably have gone out of sunc. by the time of the evening Northbiound pass.
NOAA16is transmitting excellent HRPT signals. It is unlikely that APT will resume.
There are three more spacecraft in the series to follow NOAA 16 before the first of the new generation NPOESS (National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System) is launched in about 2008. Although the design of these new spacecraft is not yet finalised, the higher data rates from the enhanced instrumentation are raising serious difficulties for broadcasting in the currently used frequency bands.
Alex Greenland G7JGQ have been devoloping a excellent Satellite tracking program AGSatTrack , and is now available to others.
Changes to Australian Weather Radiofax Services 20 August 2001 (Source: Bureau of MeteorologyAustralia) The Bureau of Meteorology has for many years been supplying the maritime community with weather information in the form of charts broadcast via its AXM and AXI radiofacsimile services. The HF transmitters for this service are currently provided and operated by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) at their stations near Darwin (for AXI) and Canberra (AXM). As a result of the RAN’s changeover to its new HF radio communications facility in the next few years, the Bureau will be assuming broadcasting responsibility of AXI/AXM within the next 12 months. Arrangements have been made to continue the broadcasts from new transmitting sites located at Charleville (Queensland) and Wiluna (Western Australia) upon the closure of the RAN transmitters on 1 July 2002. The first phase of this transition process will occur at 0000 UTC on 20 August 2001 when radiofax transmissions will be temporarily consolidated out of one broadcasting station. In order to provide services with the best coverage possible: AXM frequencies will continue to be routinely used for the broadcasts; AXI frequency 7,535kHz will be used from 1100 UTC to 2200 UTC and 15,615kHz will be used from 2200 UTC to 1100 UTC.
To recap, the frequencies of the AXI/AXM broadcasts as of 20 August 2001 will be:
AXM Frequencies kHz 2,628 (Continuous) 11,030 (Continuous) 13,920 (Continuous) 20,469 (Continuous) 5,100 (Continuous)
AXI Frequencies kHz 7,535 (1100 UTC to 2100 UTC) 15,615 (2100 UTC to 1100 UTC)
Further advice will be given about the commencement of AXI from Wiluna and AXM from Charleville early in 2002.
Worldwide DARCFax-Contest on shortwave (IARU Bandplan) 18.8.01, 0800 UTC - 19.08.01, 2000 UTC. Also on the 144 MHz and 430 MHz bands in Germany
XAXERO come out with an Internet solution to the weather fax for Windows Software for under $90. Please check the XAXERO page for more details.
SirCam worm threatens PC damage !!
Warning for the virus activity recently through my inbound e-mail with the W32/SirCam@MM (SirCam) worm. Over the last Weeks, I have detected and cleaned more than 300 mails of the SirCam worm. This mass-mailing worm attempts to send itself and local documents to all users found in the Windows Address Book and email addresses found in temporary Internet cached files (web browser cache). The subject of these e-mail messages is random and the body or plain-text attachment of the e-mail message contains the following text (in English or Spanish):
Hi! How are you?
I send you this file in order to have your advice or I hope you can help me with this file that I send or I hope you like the file that I sendo you or This is the file with the information that you ask for
See you later. Thanks
Recommended Precautions:
1. As always, DO NOT open e-mails or files that appear to have a suspicious origin or that contain unusual subject matter.
2. Familiarize yourself with those filename extensions (300 - 600 KB) which can contain executable content. Some of those are: EXE, DOT, DOC, DLL, XLS, PPT, DRV, VBS, VBA, 386, ADT, BIN, CBT, CLA, COM, CPL, DOT, MDB, MSO, OC* and PPT.
3. If you are a recipient of this particular e-mail, delete the mail without opening.
4. System and network administrators should ensure that anti-virus signatures are updated on all servers and desktop PCs.
5. Remember to update your computer with the latest anti-virus software version.
For downloding the W32.Sircam.Worm@mm Removal Tool, go to More info:
On July 30, 2001 theradiofax schedules for Pt. Reyes, CA and New Orleans will be modified to incorporate an enhanced suite of tropical products. As a consequence of this upgrade, the 48/72 hour wind/wave charts broadcast from Honolulu at 0306 and 1457 UTC will be changed to single panel 48 hour forecasts.
The new version 2.10 of WeatherDecode is ready!
This version includes the following improovements: - decoding elaboration in RAM (not on Database), so more fast during the visualization - ZOOM function with digitals maps - decoding of fields not elaborate in the preceding versions - addition of other 3 configurable meteo images (total of 5 images) - elimination of some bugs on decoding - 15 days of evaluation with full function after installation
A new version of the "Worldwide Radiofacsimile Broadcast Schedules" dated June 05 is ready for download
This version includes the following improovements: - decoding elaboration in RAM (not on Database), so more fast during the visualization - ZOOM function with digitals maps - decoding of fields not elaborate in the preceding versions - addition of other 3 configurable meteo images (total of 5 images) - elimination of some bugs on decoding - 15 days of evaluation with full function after installation
At 1100 UTC on 3th April RN Northwood (GYA) start up the transmitters on 2618.5 4610 8040 11086.5 kHz. This new service is now fully operational, and the schedule has some changes. See also Weekly Pictures
A revisedschedule for the Fax broadcast from The Fleet Weather and Oceanographic Centre Northwood (GYA) is now being broadcast at 0230 and 1530 UTC each day on 3652.5 kHz, 4307 kHz, 6452.5 kHz and 8331.5 kHz. The new schedule indicates that the service will be completely revised with effect 1200 UTC on Tuesday 3rd April 2001 and will be transmitted using a new set of frequencies: 2618.5 kHz, 4610 kHz, 8040 kHz and 11086.5 kHz See also Weekly Pictures .
The Met Office, Bracknell, United Kingdom, has announced that the Radio-facsimile broadcast GFA will cease with effect 1200 UTC on Tuesday 3rd April 2001. The last chart to be transmitted will be the 24-hour forecast MSLP chart, commonly known as the FSXX, at 1042 UTC. This ends more than forty years of transmission of meteorological analyses and forecast charts by radio from the United Kingdom.
Found new test frequencies with Northwood (RN London GYA) test transmissions on 3280.5 and 8723.4 KHz. See alsoWeekly Pictures
New Tokyo Meteo (JMH) facsimile broadcast schedule, effective 21st Mar. 2001
Uploaded WeatherDecode v2.00a WeatherDecode is a program for decoding Synop Meteo messages
DARC SSTV-Contest 17-18 March from 12:00-12.00 UTC on 80 meters to 70 cm bands (exept WARC). Contestmanager Werner Ludwig DF5BX (
Uploaded WeatherDecode v2.00a WeatherDecode is a program for decoding Synop Meteo messages
See thelast images from Tokyo Meteo (JMJ) who has discontinues the facsimile broadcast at 1st March
Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Tokyo Discontinues the JMJ Facsimile Broadcast as from 02:42 UTC 1st March See also Weekly Pictures
On January 24, 2001 six wind/seas radiofax charts broadcast from New Orleans, Lousiana will be extended in period. Click here for the new broadcast schedule Source: Timothy Rulon
On or about January 24, 2001 four new wind/seas charts will be added to the Honolulu, Hawaii radiofax broadcast. Click here for the preliminary broadcast schedule. Source: Timothy Rulon
The U.S. Coast Guard in Kodiak, Alaska has added a new frequency of 12412.5 KHz to their broadcast schedule. Reception reports would be greatly appreciated.
There was an intense tropical cyclone “Ando” in south west Indian Ocean. Take a look for good APT Satellite pictures from Jacques Gentil, Mauritius on his site at I have also placed some “Ando” pictures received from Meteosat on theWeekly Picture page
Upoladed the latest schedule from the Canadian Forces Atlantic Fleet Metoc Facsimile Broadcast, CFH Halifax. Source: Jim Shaffer Jr.
A new release of Mscan Meteo Fax now has integrate FAX, NAVTEX and RTTY into a single program called Mscan Meteo Pro and is now available from the Mscan pages
There is an upcoming change to the USCGBoston and Pt. Reyesradiofax schedules on November 28, 2000 at 1400/1430z, see also Source: Timothy Rulon NOAA
Uploaded WeatherDecode v1.10WeatherDecode is a program for decoding of AAXX and BBXX (FM-12) Meteo messages
From 19 October Italian Coastguard start the preoperational phase of international navtex service. The startig stations are AUGUSTA ID S CAGLIARI ID T ROMA ID R TRIESTE ID U Source: Emillio Marcozzi (IK6TZV)
Mohammad Sultan from Mauritius send me a notice that he has not heard St Denis Meteo (FZR) since a long time. Nothing on all known frequencies either in FAX or RTTY modes. He thinks that Meteo France has shut down the St Denis Meteo Shortwave Station.
Rio de Janeiro Naval (PWZ) (Estao Radio da Marinha do Rio de Janeiro), new Schedule:
0745 to 0830 UTC (*) Surface water temp. & Mean monthly climatic conditions + Sea Surface Temperature. 1745 to 1830 UTC Surface pressure Analysis . (*) Facsimile Broadcast includes text wx bulletin for all Areas in Portuguese and English
Adding Canadian Coast Guard Ice Breakers, Radio FacsimileBroadcast schedule.
Adding aDutch help file for WXSat
NOAA L (NOAA 16) Launched and now operative on 137.620 MHz APT
Day WatsonUK and Murray LehmanAUS find out the correct station who is listed all the years as Victoria Harbour Hongkong. This station is administred by the National Marine Environment Forcasting Center (NMEFC), SOA, China P.R. The Center is located in Beijing, China and the Callsign is 3SD. NMEFC Beijing (3SD) transmitting two times per day. At 0755 and 1130 UTC a wave analysis (first chart), 24h forecast (second chart) every day. 10 day SST forecast on 10th, 20th and 31st (or last day of the month) per month. 10 day ice forecast on 9th, 19th and 29th (or the last day of the month) per month. Frequencies: 8461.9 kHz (10KW), 12831.9 kHz (10KW) and 16903.9 kHz (30KW)
New revised schedules from USCG Boston and Pt. Reyesuploaded
Antonio Martínez Mendoza , from Logroño in the north of Spain recevied a Unid FAX station in 13081.7 kHz (13083.6 kHz LSB) He has recevied this station at 23:38 UTC to 23:47 UTC with FAX end. The transmission is 60/576. In the picture , 30th August 2000 , in the left corner " CARTA PRONOSTICADA AGOSTO 2000 " Comments:This Unid looks like Valparaiso Radio (Aramada de Chile), but why RPM 60 and why this frequency ?
Starting 01 October Klingenfuss Publications will work on four new products for 2001:
- 2001 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM; - 2001 Guide to Utility Radio Stations; - 2001 Shortwave Frequency Guide; - 2001/2002 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services.
Raymond Prestridge found on 10611 kHz a UNID CIS faxsation who send charts originated from Moscow (RUMS). The LPM is 120 and IOC 288 or 576. There is only one start and stop tone for several charts at a time. It looks like this is a transmission from Moscow Meteo, but I am not sure. The transmissions are not continuous and there is no carrier between transmissions.
New ALRS Vol.3 has been published. First amendments being snailmailed. FAX section is now ordered by station names (alphanumerical) rather than the previous geographical path. There is a new combo publication (NP289 - ALRS SMALL CRAFT) for yachtmen etc. This contains info from all the current ALRS books (coast station, wx broadcasts, GMDSS, dgps etc) covering the UK, European coast (France to the Med), the Med (but not the Black Sea) and the Azores and Canaries. It includes a fax section with Northwood, Bracknell, Hamburg and Athens. Source: Day Watson, U.K.
The opening of the EXPO 2000 Hannover on the 1st of June by the Federal German President. The HAM operators in the Hannover region will be also very activ.
Just uploaded the new Revised ZKLF Radio Facsimile Schedule. Thanks to Kevin Alder New Zealand for the info.
Day Watson, UK found on 16366.2 ---: UNID 1543 FAX 90/576/N/800 Dead zone (not skewed) and weak images thru 1730z. Apparently not 2nd/3rd harmonic of known stns
The1st April 2000 was the 40th anniversary of the launch of the first weather satellite, TIROS Here are some interesting pages and an image of the first picture received from TIROS-1at: The first weather photograph from space. Source: RIG-L - The mailing list for weather satellite receiving enthusiasts
Soyuz-TM30 transportship with on board the crew for the 28th MIR Expedition (Zalyotin and Kaleri), will be launched from Baykonur on 4.04.2000 at 05.01.26UTC. The ship has to dock at MIR on 6.04.2000 at about 0630UTC. The radio traffic during the last phase of the approach can be heard in Wetern Europe between 0616 and 0622UTC on 121.750 FM-N. When the crew is on board of MIR the radio traffic can be monitored via 143.625 mc FM-N. The main crew, Zalyotin and Kaleri, will use the call-signs Yenisey-1 and 2.The standins Sharipov and Vinogradov, got the call Tan-Syan. Source: Chris van den Berg, NL-9165/A-UK3202
The UNID Fax signal on 16027.4 kHz is Beijing Meteo, China
John R Wells, UK found a UNID Fax signal at 23:13 UTC on 12.000 kHz
Thomas Lindenthal, Germany found a UNID Fax signal at 08:45 UTC on 16027.4 kHz
As from Wednesday 22 March the Bracknell Radio-fax broadcast will lose two-thirds of its aviation content. The Bracknell Radio-Fax broadcast GFA will be revised with effect from 1200 GMT on Wednesday 22 March 2000. From that time all the products prepared by the World Area Forecast Centre London for the sectors North Atlantic (NAT), Europe to the Middle East and Asia (MID), and Europe to Africa (EURAFI) will be withdrawn from the broadcast since there is now no requiremet to transmit them by terrestrial radio broadcasts. The aviation products specifically for Europe (EUR) remain on the broadcast for the time being as do the products for the marine community. Thanks to Martin Stubbs, UK for the info and the new revised schedules.
You can download the two revised schedules, the one for the general broadcast and the one for the marine products from the HF-Fax Schedules Page
Add the Cape Naval (ZSJ) facsimile schedule to the HF-Fax pages.
Importend Notice from Met Bureau Australia: We have been advised by NAVCOMSTAR Canberra that the AXI transmitter at Humpty Doo (Darwin) will be closed from Monday 14 February for urgent maintenance. The transmitter is expected to be closed for 14 days or longer. Day Watson, UK logged AXI 36 on 18060.5 kHz instead of 18060 kHz.
As of March 2000, active Moccow Meteo frequencies found by Klaus Betke, Germany: Ch.153.8 kHz, 10.611 kHz (D), 13886 kHz (D) Ch 25.108 kHz, 6.890 kHz both irregular Note: (D) = Daytime
Moscow Meteo not heard on 11450 kHz since 1st of March. New Frequency was found at 13.886.00 kHz Source: Petr Hajciar, CZ
Rome Meteo not active on 13.597.00 kHz since the beginning of 2000, but 8.146.00 kHz now active after some months of silence. Source Petr Hajciar, CZ
The first SSTV operation from XZ-land Myanmar (previously known as Burma) from January 13th - February 6th 2000 on the air. Take a look at somepicturesI havereceived here in Germany
WAFC London North Atlantic, Europe-Asia and Europe-Africa significant weather and wind/temperature charts will not be broadcasted on GFA after tuesday 21st March 2000. Source: Petr Hajciar, CZ, Klatovy
An online and updated version of the Worldwide Marine Radiofacsimile broadcast Schedules is now available in PDF format at:
Several people from the states reported that USAF AWS Elkhorn send maps from KGWC Offut on 11622.00 kHz
On 8105 kHz there was a test transmission of weather maps from the Nea Smyrni transmission Center (SWA28), Athens, Greece. They used the new Transworld transmitter, which replaces the old Wilcox 96D. The power was 350 W and the antenna a 5/8 lambda vertical. The transmission started at about 0930 UTC and ended at about 1030 UTC. Source: Costas Krallis, Greece
The South African Marine (ZSJ/SAN ) Capetown, startet a Radiofax service for the Cape to Rio Yacht Race who is just startet. See also Weekly Pictures. The transmissions are on the former Preoria Metoe frequencies 7508, 13538 and 18238 kHz It seem there is no regular schedule, but you should listen around 04:45 UTC, 10:00 UTC, 15:00 UTC, 18:20 UTC and 22:00 UTC. Thanks to Day Watson for the information
USAF AWS Elkhorn active on 19327 kHz // USAF AWS Roosevelt who is also very active on all frequencies ,see also notice below (source Jim Schaffer Jr.). See also Weekly Pictures
Moscow Meteo programm A on 53.8, 3875, and 11450 kHz. Moscow Meteo Programm B on 3310, 5008, 8144 and 9014 kHz Kiyev Radio active saturday around 10:00-11:00 UTC on 19745.2 kHz See also Weekly Pictures(source Klaus Betke, Germany).
NOAA 12 today 31 Dec active.
Jim Shaffer, Jr received 23 Dec. 99 radiofax from USAF AWS Roosevelt, Puerto Rico on the old frequency plan: 4855, 7398 and 7870 kHz (night), 11622, 15781 and 19363 kHz (day). I have check the frequencies today 25 Dec. but no signals heard hear in Europe.
Frans Maris, Belgium has received radiofax from Being Meteo (BAF) on one of the older freuencies 8122 kHz
HF-FAX Listings updated Dec 12 now available
Hamburg Meteo has a minor change (01 Dec.99) in the schedule
Uploaded a Satellite rebroadcast from CF Halifax (CFH) to the Weekly Picture
Uploaded the new Radiofax schedule from CF Halifax (CFH), Canada CF Halifax has now also Satellite rebroadcasts at 01:00, 03:01 and 10:01 UTC
Uploaded the new Radiofax schedules from USCG Boston (NMF) and USCG Pt. Reyes (NMC) effective 17 Nov. 1999
Revised Weather Facsimile Service from Pt. Reyes CA The USCG plans to add additional products requested by the National Weather Service to their weather fax broadcasts from Pt. Reyes CA/NMC beginning November 17, 1999. The previously announced start date of 2 November was delayed due to a fire at NWS.
NAVTEX Savannah GA On Air 29 Oct. 99. A new NAVTEX broadcast facility at Savannah GA became operational 27 Oct. 1999. This NAVTEX broadcast station shares the antenna used by a USCG differential GPS transmission station, the first of its kind by the USCG. This station fills a gap in NAVTEX coverage between the USCG stations at Portsmouth VA and Miami FL. It was primarily installed to provide warnings concerning Right whale activity, but broadcasts will also include weather, navigational warnings and search and rescue information. Weather information will include the US National Weather Service MIAOFFMIA (Offshore SW N. Atlantic and Caribbean) and NFDOFFNT2 (Offshore Mid-Atlantic) products. The B(1) identification character of this new station is "E", and its initial start time is 0040 UTC. Broadcasts are made every four hours.
Skycom Telecom Ltd (STL) new Northwood Radio facsimile tests.
The trial will run from 25 Oct. until 29 Oct. and will be conducted in 4 phases. The Frequency Calling Schedule will be: 0700 - 1900z on 6484.5 kHz 1900 - 0700z on 4355.4 kHz Transmit site is Near Blackpool NW UK Commence monitoring trial Phase 1 o/c STW - 261200z Oct. Staff to apply 9 dB attenuation to simulate 1 kW transmission. STL equipment directly keying transmitter.
Phase 2 261200z - 271200z Oct. Staff to remove Attenuation - Transmitter at 10 kW Output STL equipment directly keying transmitter.
Phase 3 271200z - 281200z Oct. Staff to apply 9 dB of attenuation to simulate 1 kW Transmitter Output of STL equipment to be routed to transmitter via audio line to Northwood to simulate remote keying.
Phase 4 281200z - 291200z Oct. Staff to remove attenuation - Transmitter at 10 kW Output Output of STL equipment to be routed to transmitter via audio line to Northwood to simulate remote keying. STL equipment will be set to radiate a cyclic test of proposed and current products. The processor will apply a key stream to the transmitter at 0900, 1500 and 2100 during each phase. Nominated receiver sites are to print copies of all test broadcasts and annotate prints with type of receiver and equipment used. SKYCOM test QSL Card to anyone that sends a signal report. Please do not send imagery unless asked first. Skycom Telecom Ltd Pentre Mansion Newchapel Boncath Pembrokeshire SA37 0ET 00 44 1239 682665 Fax 44 1239 682645
E-MAIL for Signal Reports:
USN Norfolk (NAM) is very active on 10865 kHz
The Pretoria Meteo (ZRO) facsimile service was terminated on 13/9/99 - due to a lack of funding and technical manpower. Source: Ian T Hunter South African Weather Bureau.
Due to numerous user requests, the NWS will implement some radio facsimile changes (USCG Boston and USCG Pt. Reyes ) on 02 November 1999
September 20 SA navwngs state that fax transmissions from Pretoria Meteo (ZRO) - Pta Wx Bureau - ceased on 8 Sep "due to technical problems and lack of spares. Efforts to reinstate ongoing" Source: Tom Davies, SA
Antonio Martínez Mendoza, Spain found a new frequency from Moscow Meteo on 11450 kHz . It seem this is a day frequency with good signals here in Europe.
OKEAN-0 is now active on 137.400 MHz, take a look to some of the Pictures I received here in northern Germany
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